The Council is required by law to have a policy for managing health and safety.
The Council’s Health and Safety Policy, Roles and Responsibilities document sets out our general approach to health and safety. It explains how the Council, as an employer, will manage health and safety.
The policy describes our commitment and aims to managing health and safety. The policy is signed by both the Leader of the Council and The Chief Executive. It outlines the responsibilities of everyone from the Cabinet to Chief Officers, managers, and individual employees.
The other specific health and safety policies, procedures and guidance documents contained within this section form the basis of our arrangements and link back to the Health and Safety Policy – Roles and Responsibilities document.
- Abuse, aggression and violence policy and guidance
- Accidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Policy and Guidance
- Administration of Medicines in Schools Policy
- Construction Design Management Policy
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Policy
- Disabled employees safe evacuation questionnaire
- Display Screen Equipment Policy
- Driving at Work Policy
- Electrical Safety Policy
- First aid policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- Hot weather guidance sheet for managers
- Hot weather tips for indoor workers
- Hot weather tips for outdoor workers
- Lone Working Policy and Guidance
- Managers' guide to health and safety for new and expectant mothers
- Managing Contractors Safely Policy
- Manual Handling Policy
- Mobile Phones and Driving
- Noise at Work Policy
- Operational fire risk assessment checklist
- Personal emergency evacuation plan
- Risk Assessment Form
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Risk assessment form with hazard prompts
- Stress Management Policy
- Thermal comfort guide
- Vibration at Work
- Water Hygiene Policy
- Work at Height Policy and Guidance
We regularly review and update our policies, and introduce new policies, this information is provided to you in School Circulars and emails from the team.