How to order services
This section provides instructions on how to place your order for a sold service. Sections are broken down based on the type of school.
Derby city schools (maintained/internal schools)
All schools need to raise an internal requisition order from the individual internal service providers.
Internal requisitions
Each DCC service will receive any orders placed on CiA direct to them. Therefore any queries and/or amendments please contact the service direct using the contact details on the relevant pages in the SIP.
Academy trusts, non-CIA schools and free schools
Please read the Terms and conditions carefully before submitting an order. These are the terms and conditions on which we supply the services to you and shall govern your order. Please indicate on your booking intent form or the eform that you accept these terms. It will be deemed that you have accepted even if you have failed to read or understand the obligations which they contain.
The booking intent form should be used to notify us of your decision to purchase the services featured in this brochure, both fixed term and 'pay as you go' services. Please note that, once submitted, this form represents your acceptance to purchase the services you have chosen. Payment criteria and notice periods must therefore be met in accordance with the details cited on each service specification. Please tick the box showing that you have read and agree to our terms and conditions.
2025/26 orders
All academies or non-CIA based settings should complete the Booking intent form.
Please complete and return to by 7 March 2025.
Each service has costs detailed in its individual catalogue area.
Please note that all prices listed in this brochure are exclusive of VAT.
Further information
If you have any queries or there are any services not listed that you would be interested in, please contact:
Sold Service Team (Business Support Hub)
Telephone: 01332 640821