Graduated Response
Graduated Response guidance
All schools and early years providers are required to have arrangements in place to identify and support children with SEN or disabilities and to promote equality of opportunity for children in their care. With high aspirations, and the right support, the vast majority of children with SEN can go on to achieve successful long-term outcomes in adult life.
These documents set out what we expect settings to offer children with SEND. A ‘Graduated Approach’ is a way of meeting needs through effective implementation of support before moving a child into higher levels of support by following the assess, plan, do and review cycles:
Graduated Response File
The Graduated Response File (GRF) is a way of gathering information about a child’s needs when there are concerns about their development or progress at school or in a setting. It will support assessment and planning (the Graduated Response) and the actions you are taking and will be taking to meet the child’s needs. If the child’s school or setting make a request for an Education, Health and Care plan, the information gathered as part of the GRF is relevant and necessary. The GRF can be used with children and young people who have identified special educational needs and receive SEND Support in your school or setting. It can be used for any child or young person with SEND (according to the definitions in the SEND Code of Practice). A printable version of the GRF is available.