Guidance notes for creating the census in Integris are now available on the Information Management SIP page, along with links to full DfE guidance, COLLECT guidance and approved notepad entries.

To summarise, the main collection items are:

  • Pupil basic data – including latest SEN stage and FSM eligibility

Wherever possible, please avoid temporary UPNs and make sure pupils have their correct permanent UPN assigned to them, particularly new arrivals to your school who will have a permanent UPN issued by their previous school. 

Failure to use the correct UPN could result in loss of funding to schools.

  • Attendance data (for the Spring term 2024)
  • Exclusions data (for the Autumn term 2023 and Spring term 2024)
  • Take up of Universal Free School Meals (Infant pupils only)
  • Hours at setting/Funded hours/Extended hours (Nursery pupils only)
  • Top-up funding indicator
  • Post looked-after indicator

*NEW for Summer 2024 census:

  • 30-hour code – the DfE are changing the data item from 30-hour code to eligibility code.  It is also being extended to 2-year-olds with expanded hours greater than zero
  • 2-year-old basis for funding – the DfE are increasing the frequency they are collecting the funding basis data item to termly from summer 2024 onwards.  This is not required for 2-year-olds taking up the expanded entitlement hours
  • EYPP - it is being extended to 2-year-olds and will be collected termly from Summer 2024
  • DAF – the DfE are extending the disability access fund (DAF) indicator from summer 2024 onwards to 2-year-olds.
  • Expanded hours – record up to 15hrs for 2-year-olds with working parents (must also have an eligibility code)

As the majority of census data is already held within school systems, we are asking for electronic returns to reach the Authority by Friday 17 May 2024.  Academies and Free Schools will have their own deadline from the DfE, but an early return would still be appreciated.

For any census queries, please contact me on the number below.

Sending the Census to the Local Authority

Schools should use the DfE website called COLLECT (Collections On Line for Learning, Education, Children and Teachers), for the submission of the Summer Census – this is now accessed through the DfE sign-in website, link below:

DfE Sign-in (

Census - Schools' Information Portal (

For more information contact Debbie Peters at:


Telephone Number: 01332642710