In 2023 the National Association for Special Educational Needs (nasen) launched the new ‘Universal SEND Services’ programme. Funded by the Department for Education and running from now until 2025, this project includes numerous free continuing professional development (CPD) offers.

Led by the University of Derby, this part of the Universal SEND CPD offer is designed to support schools/FE settings: setup, run, and disseminate, their own bespoke Action Research or Lesson Study project.

Each participating school/FE setting will work with a small team (including other participating settings) to develop a personalised project that addresses the inclusion needs of children/young people with SEND in their setting.

Delivered as 6 small group online twilight sessions; this CPD offer is suitable for Senior Leaders, Teachers or Teaching Assistants. The timing of the project (starting in Autumn 2023 and ending in the Summer 2024) is designed to mirror the Teacher Appraisal period, and the focus on progression to align with objective setting.

Reasons to get involved

  • Gain support to address a challenge or put into place a good idea related to inclusion and SEND.
  • Develop a research evidence base for embedding good practice.
  • Directly address the removal of barriers for individual learners.
  • As a marker of esteem, share your research findings locally and publicly.
  • Receive a 300 honorarium as a thank you for sharing your findings with others.

How to get involved?

If you would like to find out more about this project, including how to apply, click here.

The next deadline for school/FE setting Action Research or Lesson Study applications is the 6.10.23 (17:00); all applications will be reviewed and notified as to their success by the 13.10.23. The first of the 6 online twilight sessions will take place after the Autumn half term break.

If you have any questions about this project, or the application process please feel free to email the project lead Dr Geraldene Codina

Testimonials from 2022-23

Here’s what Headteachers, Assistant Headteachers, and teachers said about the project in 2022-23 (for an accessible version of the testimonials see below).

nasen Universal SEND Services: Action Research & Lesson Study Project - Testimonials