Report an Accident
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, something goes wrong and someone is hurt or involved in an aggressive incident. The documents on this page tell you how to report any work-related accidents or violent incidents. They also include guidance on how to reduce the chance of similar situations happening again.
How do I report an accident, incident or near-miss?
Report an accident, incident or near miss using our:
Further information on accidents, incidents and near misses can be found in our Accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences policy and Accident and incident investigation procedure document.
Our Accident and incident investigation procedure gives more information. We have also developed an Accident and incident investigation checklist to help you complete the Accident / incident investigation form and the Accident/incident statement form.
How do I report an incident of abuse, aggression or violence?
Complete the AAV Incident Report Form. We have also produced a Policy and Guidance Document which you might find useful - Abuse, aggression and violence policy and guidance.
How long do I have to report an accident or AAV?
You must report any accident or AAV incident to the Health and Safety Team, and your manager, as soon as possible, but within at least 7 days. The Health and Safety Executive, require any accidents that fall under the RIDDOR regulations, must be reported to them within 7 days. The HST report all accidents that fall under RIDDOR, so ensure that you have recorded all relevant information on the form when you submit it.
Near misses
Near misses are events, that while not causing harm, have the potential to cause injury, ill-health or damage to property, equipment and materials.
Near misses should be reported by using the Near miss form which should then be emailed to the Corporate Health and Safety team at