About governor support
Governor Support team
The Governor Support Team is part of the Education and Skills Team within the Learning, Inclusion and Skills Department of Peoples Services. Jayne Hadfield is the Governor Support Manager. We work closely with all the Professional Advocates for Children in Education as it is important that Governor Support is seen to be hand in hand and is not an extra requirement.
For all schools, regardless of whether you have bought a package from us, we will:
- check draft Instruments of Government when governing bodies wish to reconstitute/change their membership and arrange the legal sealing thereafter
- nominate LA governors - this includes taking into account the criteria specified by those governing bodies who have reconstituted under the 2012 regulations
- offer training that can be accessed on a Pay As You Go basis
- arrange bespoke school or cluster based training.
Training services
Training is available to all governors and clerks. Please see the Annual Training Programme 2024-25 for details. Here is the ESS Charging and Cancellation Policy April 2023. You can also see more information on the Governor Training Page.
A Training Feedback Form is available to complete following any attendance on courses. This should be given to your Training Link Governor and fed back to the Governing Body at the next meeting under the training item on the agenda.
If you wish to discuss your training requirements or Sold Service subscription at any time contact Jayne on 640364 or Jayne.hadfield@derby.gov.uk.
Succession planning
Succession planning in a governing body is important, as in any organisation, for the stability and progress of the enterprise. This revised and updated edition of the National Coordinators of Governor Services (NCOGS) document Succession Breeds Success is aimed at assisting governors in managing the process in a positive and constructive way so that governance and the leadership of the governing body are strong and effective in holding the school to account.
General information
Governing Body Minutes
Please send copies of your minutes by email to governorminutes@derby.gov.uk.
Changes to your Governing Body
Please email governorenquiries@derby.gov.uk to advise us of any changes to your governing body.
Local Leaders of Governance
If you would like to apply to become a Local Leader of Governance, please complete the Derby Local Leaders Governance Application Form.
How to contact us
Jayne Hadfield - Governor Support Manager
- Telephone: 01332 640364
- Email: jayne.hadfield@derby.gov.uk
- governortraining@derby.gov.uk
- governorenquiries@derby.gov.uk
- governorminutes@derby.gov.uk