Financial training
The team has been training schools in financial competence for over 20 years, if you would like to register an interest in any of the following courses can you please email
Due to the number of maintained schools, all courses are subject to a minimum of 10 attendees. Where schools require onsite training, a bespoke package can be arranged.
Financial Responsibilities Training
Introduction to finance
This is primarily aimed at staff new to a finance role or as a refresher for existing staff. It will include basic accounting principles - with practical examples and exercises to aid the day to day complexities and comply with finance procedure rules. It will also include an overview on the basics of CFR, Contract Procedure Rules and Year End.
Introduction to finance procedures, policies and the Scheme for funding schools
Building on our popular Introduction to finance, we are now incorporating discussions on procedures, policies and the Scheme for funding schools. This is primarily aimed at staff new to a finance role or as a refresher for existing staff. It will aim to give staff an awareness of the financial procedures and rules set out in the scheme for funding schools - with practical examples and exercises to aid the day to day complexities of compliance.
Budget monitoring
This is aimed at all staff who have a responsibility for budget monitoring in the school as part of their role. The aim is to enable staff to confidently challenge, interpret and report on financial information. It will include a budget monitoring presentation, practical monitoring exercises and reports. It will also cover some of the topics from Introduction to Finance in more depth.
Financial monitoring responsibilities in schools
Are you responsible for spending decisions within school? This course is aimed at all staff who have a responsibility for budget monitoring in the school as part of their role. The course will cover roles and responsibilities, financial timetables, recommended regular duties , and the required level of information necessary for governors. The course will provide you with practical tools and tips to assist you in your day to day responsibilities.
Decision making
The course is aimed at school business managers and members of the senior leadership team who are involved in critical spending decisions within the school, be it that you are involved in the creation of the school development plan or the overall long-term spending decisions required by schools. The session will cover setting budgets, financial implications of actions, decision making, business cases and contract management.
Finance training head teachers
Specifically aimed at new and/or acting head teachers and deputy head teachers. This session will cover an overview of how schools are funded, consideration for compliance with SFVS, understanding Budget statements and Budget monitoring reports, reporting to governors, tools available for budget setting, benchmarking and contract management.
Bespoke governor training
Specifically aimed at Governors with a financial responsibility, this evening or daytime course covers..
- budget setting
- Monitoring budgets
- benchmarking aid to decision making
- self assessment of financial responsibility and governance arrangement
- approval limits
- financial regulations and best practice
Financial Ledger Training
As from April 2023, the new financial ledger is Connected Intelligence Anywhere (CiA) which is the replacement for Oracle. Further information, support, refresher and training videos about CiA can be found on our Financial management: Connected Intelligence Everywhere (CiA) pages.
Please have a look at the feedback we have received from these courses.
Timetable of courses
For a current timetable of courses on offer please contact Schools Finance Team.