Priority Literacy

The Priority Literacy Consortium, which brings together support from the Flying High English Hub, Witham St. Hughs English Hub (LEAD), the National Literacy Trust, Derby Research School and SDSA are delivering our literacy strand.

All schools in Derby have access to the “Universal Offer”, which includes:

  • Communities of practice for literacy leads and practitioners;
  • An online resource bank, which is currently in development;
  • Primary writing moderation workshops;
  • Support for transition between primary and secondary;
  • A programme of activity, linked to Nottingham City of Reading, including Teacher Reading Groups and Transforming Your Reading Culture training;
  • The opportunity to be part of the Derby City NPQLL cohort – bringing our literacy leaders together to share learning and practice.

A more intensive, targeted support offer is available to “Partner Schools”, which includes:

  • 1-2-1 support from a literacy specialist for the duration of the project.
  • Bespoke CPD for Literacy Leaders, Specialists, Teachers and TAs - the content of the CPD programme will depend on the outcome of a school audit to create a bespoke CPD pathway.
  • Targeted work with pupils to get them reading including reading challenges, events and reading mentors.

Sign up and register your school by Friday 29th September

You can sign up for the Universal Offer here:

You can sign up to receive the newsletter at:

All Partner Schools have received access to ‘The Gateway Self-Audit’ to review their reading and writing practice. The data from this audit will inform the bespoke CPD pathways throughout the project.

If you are a Partner School and haven’t received this, please email to request a link to the gateway self-audit. This is for identified partner schools only at this stage.

Attendance and Persistent Absence

The attendance project is being delivered in partnership by Derby City Council (DCC) and Derby County Community Trust (DCCT).

DCC are in the process of recruiting Attendance Support Workers who will support schools in some of the most challenging areas of the city. This will highlight those children and families who require additional support to increase their attendance which in turn will raise overall attendance in schools. The Attendance Support Workers will also signpost to additional services that both schools and families can access to support overall improved attendance.

DCCT are working closely with the Inclusion Partnership to develop and launch the CPD offer for schools. All details will be made available soon through the Derby Direction website. In addition to this, DCCT will have peer mentors, working in partnership with Kingsmead School. Any further enquires can be sent to

Schools in line for targeted support have been identified and DCC and DCCT will be in touch soon with more details about how they can best support your school and pupils.

If you have any queries, please contact the Department via:

We thank you for your engagement and look forward to working with you to achieve our collective goals and outcomes for the students of Derby.