On Monday 20/11/23 the School Term dates consultation 2025-2030 was sent to all Heads and SBMS. Please note there was an typo error on the Derbyshire 2026-27 number of days in Autumn 1 and Summer 2. This typo has been amended on this document.

Derby City Council 2025-2030 Term Dates Consultation

Following meetings with a colleague at Derbyshire County Council and the mini survey held with you earlier in the year attached are the term dates for 2025-2030 we are consulting on.

  • Option A – mirrors Derbyshire County Council
  • Option B – is a set that has been drawn up considering the comments from the mini survey.

Please note that Derbyshire dates are the proposed dates and may change, awaiting Cabinet approval.

Please share with your staff to gather responses and reply to jayne.hadfield@derby.gov.uk by 15/12/23.