As part of this year’s Derby Book Festival Autumn Festival we put out an appeal to local people across the city asking them to donate any good quality children’s books, previously loved but no longer needed. 

The Festival is aware that not all children in the city are fortunate enough to have books at home or to regularly visit the city libraries. 

The response has been excellent and the Festival now has over 1,500 books to give away.

The Festival feels the best way to organise the distribution is through schools and nurseries in the city who will know how to ensure the books are distributed.  The books include mainly picture books but also include some Young Fiction novels.  They would be suitable for school libraries or for distribution to children to take home.

If you would like any books, please email and let us know if they would like a pack/box of 50 books for either KS1/Early Years or KS2 or Young Fiction by Thursday 30 November 2023

The books will then need to be collected from the Festival, who will make these arrangements direct with schools.