Maternity Teacher, Paternity Teacher - 

Spencer Teaching School Hub is pleased to share our new partnership with the MTPT Programme. Supporting the recruitment and retention agenda, Maternity Teacher Paternity Teacher is a charity which provides a range of formal and informal support for colleagues on their maternity and paternity leave. 

Returning to work following a period of maternity leave can be a nerve-wracking experience, exacerbated by the emotions surrounding leaving a small baby for the first time. Here is some support available for colleagues on maternity and paternity leave:

  • Parental Leave Group Coaching – funded with promo code EM23 
  • Return to Work Workshops – funded with promo code EM23 
  • Blogs and information on the website 
  • Social media and Regional Whatsapp Groups 

Ideal for HR leads to share directly with colleagues currently on leave to extend support. Click here for more information and Eventbrite links for booking your fully funded place on the group coaching sessions and workshops. 


Tammy Elward 

Director of Spencer Teaching School Hub