The theme for this year’s RSE day is Embracing Change! Derby and Derbyshire will be celebrating relationships and sex education all week - 24th -30th June 2024

Leading up to and during RSE week, we encourage partners to use of the resources on the RSE day website which includes logos, social media assets and downloadable and printable activities for all ages with specific activities for primary aged children, secondary aged children and families.

Areas to explore under this theme could be:

  • Transition to different stages of life or education
  • Strategies for coping with change
  • Puberty and body changes
  • Grief and loss
  • Changing relationships 

The resources on the RSE day website link to these areas

How can you celebrate relationships and sex education during RSE week in Derby and Derbyshire?

Everyone can:

  • Visit use the RSE day resources such as email footer, bunting and logos leading up to and during RSE week. 
  • Follow @RSE_day and @BERT_RSE on X (Twitter)
  • Reshare information that is shared on our Your Sexual Health Matters social media channels about RSE day 2024 @YSHMDERBYS

Those working with children and young people or their parents can:

Those working with children and young people or their parents can:

  • Visit use the editable and printable activities such as hand print butterflies, reading lists
  • Visit for information about some of the physical and emotional changes young people will experience and where to access support. 
  • Check out what is on offer to support families through change at family hubs - (for those who live in Derby)
  • Share details of the local chat health service – a free confidential test messaging service for young people with advice from expert healthcare professionals on a variety of topics. 

Residents of Derbyshire can text: 07507 330025. Residents of Derby can text: 07507327104

Organisations can:

  • Ask the communities/service users your support what positive change they would like to see and how they might go about this using a survey
  • Share advice with your colleagues and services users around coping well with change by reading and sharing these top tips from NHS Every Mind Matters
  • Create a promotional area in an office/classroom/online with posters or links to local organisations that can support individuals with change such as:
Lifestyle change Organisations that can support with change Relationship changes

Live Life Better Derbyshire

Livewell | Derby 

Citizens Advice

Derby & Derbyshire - Emotional Health & Wellbeing


For more information contact Sophie Maher at