Annual Consultation on Derby City Local Authority Agreement for Moderation KS2 (Non-Statutory) 2023-24 


You should have received an email earlier this month with the LA Consultation on 2023-24 Derby City Local Authority Agreement for Moderation KS2 (Non Statutory). Schools who wish to be moderated in line with Derby City Council’s good practice need to respond by Wednesday 27th March. If your school has not received an email with this document, please contact Vincent Hampton urgently (

Very many thanks to all of the schools who have already responded. Your swift replies are very much appreciated.


Statutory moderation visits for Key Stage 2 Writing will take place  between 3rd and 27th June 2024. Schools will be selected for moderation in line with DfE/STA guidance. It is also possible that STA may direct the LA to conduct moderation in some schools. Where this is the case, we will operate in accordance with the agreement made with you.


In line with the 2024 KS2 Teacher Assessment Guidance from STA, I would like your views on 3 areas  to be included in a non statutory Derby City Local Authority Agreement  for moderation for this period. Any school that does not want to follow this LA agreement has the right to not accept and would be moderated against the current STA Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessment Guidance. It is important that stakeholders views are taken into account whether a school is moderated or not, so please consider this in your response.

1. During training teachers and headteachers have expressed a preference to submit data prior to moderation in order to be told the day before moderation which initial samples of pupils they will need to discuss during the visit. 

The LA agreement would allow the school to send data 2 days prior to moderators and moderators would inform the school the day before which initial sample of pupils would be moderated. 

2. During moderation visits more than one moderator is present to offer guidance and support throughout the process. In most visits one moderator leads discussion whilst the second moderator writes down the evidence.

The LA agreement would allow more than one moderator allocated to a visit, with a clear explanation of the purpose.

3. In the past the LA data team have requested statutory assessment data a few days prior to the expected data submission date to STA. This enables them to return a copy to schools to cross check administration is correct, and if not can be re-submitted prior to submission to STA.

The LA agreement would encourage all schools to submit data as requested by LA data team to enable them to return a copy to schools to cross check administration is correct, and if not to be re-submitted prior to submission to STA.

Please read the email sent into school and the accompnaying form to indicate whether you agree with the proposals. Return responses via email to by Wednesday 27th March 2024, including any further feedback and recommendations for our practice. It is important that your views are received in good time, so that appropriate documentation is completed prior to moderation visits.

Thank you in advance!