If you have Year 1 pupils in your school, you should have now received the Phonics Screening Check materials. Please make sure you are following all of the guidance from the Standards and Testing Agency (STA). Any breaches of the guidance can result in STA taking action against the school.

Practical advice from STA for all check materials includes:

  • put the unopened materials back into the original delivery box
  • store check materials in a room where there is no information technology equipment kept, as this equipment is often targeted during burglaries
  • do not store in a room that is prone to flooding
  • store the boxes in a secure, locked cupboard
  • limit access to the location of the materials
  • a nominated member of staff should be responsible for the cupboard keys and ensure they are kept secure at all times
  • check the boxes regularly to ensure they have not been tampered with
  • keep a record to document instances of access to the materials and to log regular security checks
  • plan a reporting procedure in the event of a problem, such as if keys are lost or stolen
  • check the packs have not been opened before Monday 12 June
  • keep check materials secure and treat them as confidential until Monday 26 June
  • this includes electronic versions downloaded from the PAG and any materials subsequently printed in hard copy

Local authorities (LAs) have a statutory responsibility to monitor the administration of the Phonics Screening Check. Monitoring visits help ensure that the security and confidentiality of check materials are maintained, and that the check is administered correctly and consistently.

Visits can take place the week from now throughout the testing period. Visits will be completed by Vincent Hampton (PACE) on behalf of Derby City LA.


Any questions please email vincent.hampton@derby.gov.uk
