The Derby and Derbyshire Serious Violence partnership would like to hear from professionals in relation to serious violence. Your voice will help us develop future engagement work, inform the first Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment for Derby and Derbyshire and allow us to direct funding to the most effective interventions.

The Community Engagement sub-group of the Serious Violence Board have developed a survey in conjunction with the Safer Derbyshire Research and Information Team. Please see link below to the survey. We would be very grateful if you could complete the survey and also share more widely with any colleagues who could also complete it.

Please note that this is not a public survey – please do not share with members of the public. The survey questions are aimed at professionals who may have experience and knowledge in relation to serious violence through the people they work with/for, either directly or indirectly.

I appreciate that you will be very busy but ask that you take the time (5-20mins depending on role and experience) to complete the survey as it will add significant value in shaping our approach to tackling the issue of serious violence.

The closing date for the survey is Friday 23rd June.

For more information contact Katrina Roberts at