The DfE previosuly announced individual school Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) allocations for 2024/25. These allocations are included in the updated 2024/25 Project Consent and Devolved Formula Capital pack, along with carried forward figures from 2023/24, and are available here: 

Please refer to the new guidance pack for further details, including requirements for undertaking any work and how to access the funding. Schools are asked to note the important deadline dates for submission of consent forms:

  • For Summer Break 2024 works: Friday 28th June 2024
  • For Year End 2024/2025 payments: Friday 24th January 2025 

Schools with large DFC balances will be required to submit written confirmation of commitment of funding to schemes by Friday 28th June 2024.

Schools should also note particular attention to the section on the guidance document relating to ‘Leases’.

Community schools must not place any orders for building related works until they have received approval of a Project Consents Application form, which will be available on the School Information Portal here: