Thank you to all the early years’ settings and schools who have engaged in the Nursery to Reception Transition Portal and the Information Exchange Event. The portal is currently being used to share information for 70% of children starting school in September 2023!

We hope that the sharing of information via the portal and at the Information Exchange Event is proving valuable for getting to know upcoming pupils, engaging in conversations with practitioners and preparing for transition activities.

We are aware that the picture for pupils can be subject to change and although completion key dates have passed, Early Years settings are encouraged to update information on the portal all the way up to September to ensure that schools are aware of changes to children's circumstances. You will be notified by email if any changes are made within the portal to your list of pupils.

We are gathering feedback on what has worked well in its first year and what would be ‘even better if’ for next year – if you haven’t already done so, please do share your thoughts here or get in touch with