The Safe Places Derby initiative is part of the Safe Derby campaign, which is backed by the Home Office’s Safe Streets funding stream – secured through The Office of Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner - and jointly led by Derby City Council and other key voluntary and charity partners. It aims to rally communities across the city to tackle, challenge and prevent violence against women and girls in public places, to stand as a city free from and with zero-tolerance for gender-based violence, abuse, harassment and exploitation.

Venues in the network display the 'Safe Places Derby' purple hand sticker to show that they are a safe place for people to ask for help if they feel unsafe.

Derby Youth Alliance hosts the webpage with the listings of local Safe Places. Do take the opportunity to get to know which venues are on board in the areas where you live, work, commute or access training or education. 

If you know or are part of a business that would like to get involved please get in touch with the Youth Alliance team.

For more information contact Michelle Butler

Telephone Number: 01332 227729
