Improving school attendance is everyone’s business. The DfE has launched a new national campaign 'Moments Matter, Attendance Counts', including a toolkit and resources for schools and a blog for parents. 

We are delighted to confirm that Landau Forte College has also been announced as one of the new Attendance Hubs as part of the expansion of DfE’s Attendance Hubs programme. 

Attendance Hubs are schools with excellent attendance records that share resources and expertise and provide bespoke assistance to help improve attendance.  

This will add real value to the work we are already doing through the Derby Priority Education Investment Area (DPEIA) programme, which is prioritising improving attendance and reducing persistent absence in the city, with support from Derby City Council and Derby County Community Trust. Alison Brannick, Principal of Landau Forte College, has joined the Local Partnership Board for the DPEIA and we will be working together to pool resources and opportunities for the benefit of all schools and learners in Derby, not just those matched with the Attendance Hub. 

If you wish to find out any more information you can click here or email the Priority Area Project Team at