There have been several reported injuries in recent months relating to trapped fingers in doors and gates. A number of these incidents have caused serious injuries. It is important that the risk of finger traps is assessed and where risks are identified, controls are implemented to reduce the risk of further injuries.

Understanding the risks of potential finger entrapment which arises from door & gate faults, the rapid closing and heavy weight of doors, coupled with the frequency of use & quick movements of pupils & colleagues is important. High use areas clearly experience a greater frequency of door use, increasing the likelihood of accidents occurring. 

Following initial guidance issued in the schools circular dated 2nd June 2023, the Corporate Health and Safety Team have developed a comprehensive guidance document to help assist you with identifying hazards, assessing risks and implementing controls to reduce the risk of finger entrapment within your school premises. 

A copy of the guidance document has been added to the Schools Information Portal (SIP) in the subscriber section under Policies and guidance – Accidents, Incidents and near misses heading. 

Contact the Corporate Health and Safety team should you require further information or support.

For more information contact Darren Allsobrook


Telephone Number: 01332 642380