The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Collection of Royalties Data - Photocopying, Scanning & Digital/Website re-use of Published Material 

The Copyright Licensing Agency is intending to conduct a data collection exercise in selected Derby City schools/academies during the Summer Term 2025.

This will enable CLA to establish what is being photocopied/scanned and/or digitally re-used so that your licence fee can be fairly redistributed as royalty payments to the authors, artists and publishers of the licensed material you are using.  All state-funded schools, including academies, hold a CLA Education Licence through central agreements or regional education bodies.  

Your CLA Education Licence also includes digital rights so, in addition to photocopying and scanning permissions, schools are able to re-use digital publications covered by the CLA licence, such as e-books and certain website content.  Further, the NLA Licence for newspaper copying, which is managed by CLA, provides many schools with permission to copy/re-use printed and digital content from NLA licensed material.  Information on the NLA licence can be found here

In accordance with the current terms and conditions of the Licence, the school and all staff are required, when requested, to participate fully in any such data collection exercise.  

If your school/academy is selected, you will receive an explanatory letter from CLA followed by contact from a CLA representative who will explain the procedures involved.  CLA is aware of teacher workload issues affecting all schools and have refined their collection procedures accordingly, which include moving to a remote model and eliminating school visits.  

This exercise will begin just after the start of the term and lasts no more than 11 weeks.  All schools are required to start and finish the exercise at the same time to ensure robust sampling.  It should be noted that this exercise is not a compliance initiative though participation is mandatory.  

The purpose of this letter is to give you advance notice of the data collection and selected schools/academies should direct any questions to myself, Jayne Hadfield, or to the CLA representative.