Welcome to our 2025/26 Sold Service pages:  


The NEW brochure is now available for you to view, please follow the link above to the Schools Information Portal to view all our services. Please feel free to share this amongst your colleagues.  We will require your booking intentions by Friday 7 March 2025.

The current brochure is still available for the remainder of this financial year.  Please remember to finalise all your payments for the current year before then.  

Ordering services

If you are an academy, you will need to submit the ‘intent to buy booking form’ for services to invoice you directly and if you are an internal school, you will need to raise an oracle order which will be sent direct to the service. Refer to the ‘how to order’ section for more information. 

To help services plan, it would be useful if you could notify us of the services you intend to buy, please see the service catalogue for more details. If you have any feedback, suggestions or questions about the brochure please email soldservices@derby.gov.uk 

We look forward to another year of working with you. 

