Over the winter we tend to see bugs circulate, especially in busy settings like schools. Please remind parents/carers of the steps they can take to prevent their child becoming unwell.

Parents/carers should continue to: 

  • Teach good hygiene habits to their children, including washing hands in soap and water, and using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes.
  • Stop the spread of stomach bugs by ensuring children do not attend school/nursery or visit hospitals and care homes for 48 hours after vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • Keep children at home if they have a fever or are too unwell to continue with their usual activities. If parents are concerned that their child has scarlet fever, they should contact the GP.
  • Ensure children are protected from flu by getting the flu vaccine, and make sure they are up to date with their other vaccines 
  • Use NHS resources to manage winter illness at home

If your education setting is worried about higher than previously experienced, or rapidly increasing numbers of staff or pupil absences, or evidence of more severe illness like hospitalisations, please get in touch with your local UK Health Security Agency health protection team on 0344 2254 524. 

Derby City Council Public Health has produced information sheets on common winter bugs that you may see in your education setting. Information sheets contain advice on action your setting can take and who to contact for advice. There are also information sheets aimed at parents/carers which you can share to support your community with any winter illness. Please contact us at cct@derby.gov.uk to receive these information sheets.

You can also contact Derby City Council Public Health to be signposted for advice about any concerns or questions at cct@derby.gov.uk