Derby Book Festival launches its annual 50-word Flash Fiction Writing competition on Monday 20 January.  Check the website for details of this year’s theme (announced on 20 January) or sign up to the newsletter to be one of the first to know.  There are three age categories: 11 and under, 12 - 17, 18 and over and we hope to receive a bumper crop of entries from schools this year.

The winning stories will be printed on Festival bookmarks to be published in the spring and the winner of each category receives a book token for £50. The closing date is 16 February.

Schools can submit entries using either the website form, which will be available from the 20 January on the Derby Book Festival Website. Or alternatively, if you are emailing multiple entries from a School please put all entries into a spreadsheet that includes a School contact name and number. Please ensure each separate entry is clearly labelled with a first name and the entrant’s age. Please email the spreadsheet to

It’s FREE to enter - and you can enter as many times as you’d like. Just remember to stick to no more than 50 words!

Questions? Please email us at:

Happy writing and good luck to all entrants!