Our Family Group sessions are now happening regularly on the last Sunday of the month. These are free, themed events for LGBT+ families of any shape and size - whether you are LGBT+ or are a partner, relative or friend of someone who is LGBT+ you’re welcome to come along, together or on your own. Use it as a space to simply connect over coffee or join our themed activities for all ages. 

Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming February Family Group:

  • 10am-12pm 
  • Sunday, 25th February 2024
  • 25 Curzon Street, Derby, DE1 1LH
  • The theme of the month is LGBT+ History! We'll be making zines of your LGBT+ heroes, learning stories of LGBT+ people before us and documenting our own histories 
  • To book on, email Sonia at soniat@derbyshirelgbt.org.uk or call 01332 207 704

We’d love to see you there! 

If you’re feeling unsure, or if you have any questions or worries about joining the sessions, get in touch - email, call or simply DM us on social media.

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