KCSIE 2022 - Online Safety Training Module Recording for Governors Available

Published: 6 February 2023

Online Training

Online Training

In response to requirements set out in KCSIE 2022 I have purchased access to an online safety training module recording from Traci Good at i-vengers so that I can offer this to our Derby City Schools to purchase for their governors.

This governor/ trustee online safety training module has been developed following a change in the Keeping Children Safe in Educations (2022) guidance which states:

Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that all governors and trustees receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection (including online) training at induction. This training should equip them with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge to test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in schools and colleges are effective and support the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding. Their training should be regularly updated. (para. 81, KCSiE 2022)

During the module, we will consider the following;

  • What is on Online Safety and why is it important?
  • What are our responsibilities as governors/trustees?
  • What are our statutory responsibilities around online safety?

This 50 minute training session has a particular focus on the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance. We also look at the Teaching Online Safety in Schools document and will feel confident in exploring the educational response currently provided by our school or college.

Within the training you will also find signposting to free, quality resources and most importantly we will understand our statutory responsibilities as governors and trustees.

There is a £60 charge for access to the recording and can be accessed by all members of the GB too, as often as you want, throughout the year.

If you would like to receive the link to this recording please confirm by email to jayne.hadfield@derby.gov.uk

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