LA / Academy Agreements for Statutory Assessment in KS1 and KS2 2023/24 – Information for Headteachers and CEOs of Academies

Each academic year an agreement between the local authority and each academy must be in place for statutory assessment moderation at KS1 and KS2. This includes the Phonics Screening Check and KS2 tests, as well as moderation for KS2 Writing.

Further information is in the agreement form which has been sent to all academies with pupils in Key Stage 1 and/or Key Stage 2.

Please read, sign and return the academy agreement to if …

  • … you have pupils in Years 1, 2 or 6,


  • … you were an academy on or before 2nd September 2023.

The agreement should be in place by Friday 8th December 2023. Electronic signatures are acceptable, if the form is emailed from the headteacher’s account. Alternatively the form can be printed, signed by hand, scanned and submitted from any school email account.

If you are part of a MAT, the CEO may complete one form for the group of schools or you may respond individually, to be agreed by your MAT. If you are completing a collective response, please ensure ALL academies to be covered by the agreement are named on the form. 

If you have any further questions about statutory assessment, please feel free to contact Vincent.