The technician, who worked in the DT department, had been operating the saw to cut pieces of wood that were set to be used for a DT lesson.

While pushing one of the sheets of wood through the saw, the technician who was 27 at the time, felt a pain in his right index finger and immediately turned off the machine. As they looked down, they saw their finger lying on the bench.

West Sussex County Council pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 9 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. The local authority was fined £16,000, ordered to pay £4,294.60 in costs and a victim surcharge of £190 at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on 3 July 2024.

HSE said: “Workers must be trained properly when using high risk woodworking such as bench circular saws. This incident could have been prevented had West Sussex County Council provided the technician with proper training.”

Actions for School leaders:

  • Share this article with colleagues working / operating such equipment
  • Check that those operating such equipment have received the proper training and ongoing refresher training
  • Conduct regular checks of operators by completing observations and undertake audits of D&T lessons where this type of equipment is being used
  • Further Resources: CLEAPPS D&T pages for further information: CLEAPSS - Technology

Council fined as school technician injured

For more information contact Darren Allsobrook


Telephone Number: 01332 642380