Free Warner Bros/HBO/National Holocaust Museum lessons for Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

In 2024, a historic meeting took place between Dr Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, a survivor of Auschwitz, and Hans-Jürgen Höss, the son of the camp’s commandant. This meeting at Dr Lasker-Wallfisch’s London home became the subject of The Commandant’s Shadow, an acclaimed film by HBO and Warner Brothers.

The National Holocaust Museum is proud to offer free, ready-to-use video lessons based on the film, exploring themes of guilt, forgiveness, and hope. These resources are tailored for Year 9 students and align with the secondary National Curriculum, requiring minimal educator input. They include:

  • PSHE: Five 20-minute lessons addressing themes like responsibility, trauma, justice, and forgiveness, all aligned with Ofsted’s framework.
  • History: A lesson examining the Holocaust’s enduring impact, meeting KS3 History requirements.
  • English: A lesson on analysing verbal and non-verbal communication, aligned with KS3 English.
  • Music: A lesson exploring the role of music in history and its ownership today.

These lessons are perfect for Holocaust Memorial Day or use throughout the year. Learn more and access these resources Here


Zoe Lawton | Senior Educator