Dear Colleague
Early Years Overarching Strategy
Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age seven can have a major impact on their future life chances and success.
In prioritising a focus on the importance of a child’s early experiences, Derby City Council is developing an Early Years Strategy that will offer a vision, aspirations and clear goals, as well as the support and services that will enable all children to live their best life.
To deliver an ambitious Strategy, the Council wishes to strengthen collaboration across Education, Health and Social Care and with partners working in and for the early education sector.
We are hosting two networking meetings for early years leaders and practitioners so that we can consult on the draft Strategy and it would be great to see you at one of the events, which will include three workshops:
- Curriculum
- Workforce development
- Recruitment and retention
Friday 31 January 1pm to 3pm at Derby Reach, Riverside Court DE24 8HY.
Saturday 1 February 09:30 to 11:30 at Derby Reach, Riverside Court DE24 8HY.
Please complete the booking form or use the QR code to secure your place.
To ensure that the voice of Derby families contributes to this process, an on-line survey will be available from the 13 January 2025 to the 28 February 2025. Alternatively, they can access the survey using this QR code.
Please share this with parents and encourage them to get involved.
Thank you