Graphic Organisers

Graphic organisers guide learners’ thinking as they fill in and build upon a visual map or diagram. Mentioned in the EEF Metacognition Guidance Report, they are some of the most effective visual learning strategies for students and are applied across the curriculum to enhance learning and understanding of subject matter content – they help the learner build and connect learning and structure thinking.

This day is aligned with the Ofsted and ECF Framework and covers key topics to support learners to: 

  • Actively present and structure material
  • Make enduring connections that foster understanding helping to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts
  • Structure elements to both facilitate memorising of information and to understand relationships between parts and the whole
  • ‘Chunk’ new learning to reduce demand on memory capacity
  • Know how to learn and study effectively

Date- 3rd March

Time- 9.30pm-3.30pm

Venue- Spencer Conference Centre (formally Portland CC)

Cost- £110

Book here - Graphic Organisers | Derby Research School

For more information contact Georgina Wild at