Corporate Health and Safety Team
The Corporate Health and Safety Team (CHST) covers both strategic and operational functions for Health and Safety (H&S) across the Council including maintained schools.
The team fulfills the statutory role of competent H&S persons for the Council as required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 enabling services to meet their statutory Health and Safety obligations.
Our team consists of six full-time posts, which include:
• a team manager
• a senior health and safety adviser and two health and safety advisers, who have been allocated H&S leads for specific services
• a health and safety auditor
• a health and safety assistant, who is the first point of contact for the team.
We provide expert professional, proactive and objective policy, advisory and training functions to all directorates and the 246 different services the council provides.
We also offer a commercial arm H&S sold service to schools, academies, and other organisations across the city of Derby.
The CHST covers both operational and strategic functions for corporate health and safety.
Health and Safety work
Our team’s work is linked to helping the Council protect and promote its employees’ physical and mental well-being. We also help the Council make sure its premises, equipment and work activities meet legal, ethical and best practice standards.
Our core work areas are:
- advising on all aspects of H&S law and best practice
- helping and supporting all our stakeholders, including managers and employees, through our team of advisers
- developing and promoting the Council’s H&S policies and strategies
- developing and embedding the Council’s H&S management system, based on the Health and Safety Executive’s HSG65 model
- carrying out audits and inspections to monitor performance and advising on improvements
- advising on risk management for H&S issues
- delivering internal training on key issues, and commissioning specialist training where this is appropriate
- advising on H&S competence and training requirements
- developing and maintaining H&S information and performance management systems
- working in partnership with linked professionals, such as the Council’s human resources practitioners and public health specialists
- promoting increased awareness of H&S issues
- nurturing a positive H&S culture, based on continuous improvement
- promoting active employee involvement in H&S
- working in partnership with trade union H&S representatives.
Service requests
If you need help or advice from us, such as a site visit, information or guidance with risk assessment, please use our new service request form.
This is available as:
- an e-form (this will be sent through to us automatically), and
- a Health and Safety Team service request form. If you use this version, save the completed form and send it to
- Please do not send it to an individual's email address.
- The team mailbox is always monitored which means your request won't be held up by leave or absence.
Contacting us
You can contact the Health and Safety Team:
- telephone: 64 0748
- email:
- post: CHST, Property Services, Corporate Resources Directorate, Derby City Council, Council House, Corporation Street, Derby, DE1 2FS.
If you need to visit us, we’re based on the second floor of the Council House.
The Occupational Health Service (OHS)
OHS no longer provides a pay-as-you-go sold service to Schools. Schools will need to source their own Occupational Health services, the strategic HR provider for your School should be able to advise and assist with this.